Youth Protection Training

Youth and Scout Protection is of paramount importance to all parents.  Foxborough Troop 314 takes this responsibility seriously and works with Boy Scouts of America process, training, and programs to do everything we can to ensure a child's protection.  Learn more by exploring the youth protection information below. Also, visit the BSA Youth Protection Web Site and Youth Protection Training.

Please review the important information on this page from top to bottom, and when finished, view and take the required BSA Youth Protection Training online at You'll be required to create an account (Using your BSA # if you are registered)  that will be used by BSA to keep track of the video and online education that you've completed. All parents, guardians, and adult leaders in Troop 314 Foxborough Cub Scouts need to complete Youth Protection training.

You will be asked what council we are with.  The answer is "Mayflower."