
Our unit does two major fundraising efforts a year. We need your help on this too! We are a very active Troop and want to keep the fun rolling… we need money to do that. Although we love the additional sales that parents bring in selling at their work the scouts learn a lot during the sales activities if they do it themselves.  They see they are earning something and set goals. They feel a sense of accomplishment for reaching the goal and learn to deal with falling short. There are so many life lessons that are learned through our fundraising.  


This  year we are selling:

What if we don't want to do fundraising?

We offer a buy-out option for scouts and families... it is fairly steep, though, as we really want scouts to participate.  Running a scouting program like ours costs ~$500/scout/year, so we need your help to defray the costs.

Do you have Scout Accounts?

Yes, We put 50% of what a scout earns (unless otherwise specified before a fund drive) into their family's scout account to spend on scouting expenses.  This is dictated by the IRS but currently allows for camping gear, camping trips, uniforms, registration fees, participation fees, and BSA camps.

Can I Donate to a Scout or the Scout Unit?

Yes, Click the DONATE button on the right, and you will be asked a series of questions while you make a donation to our 501c3 designated group.

Suggested Donations

Support the Annual Pancake Breakfast

Annual Dues: $175/scout

Activities: Scout $25-100/scout

Activities: Troop $100-5000

Camping Trip: $25/scout

Camping Trip; Troop $500

Gear: Scout $30 - 100

Gear: Troop wish list of gear listed with Amazon

Summer Camp: ~$500/scout

Memorial Gift